Do you want to learn about some of the diverse residents of Tynemouth Aquarium? We have a huge selection of different creatures from common marmosets to clownfish, seals to seahorses, all for you to discover. The below list has a wide selection of our species but not all of them, so if you would like more information on any of our animals please let us know and we will look at adding more details.
Meet Some Of Our Animals
Arabian Angelfish
Blacktip Reef Shark
Cleaner Shrimp
Clown Triggerfish
Common Marmoset
Cownose Ray
Cuckoo Wrasse
European Lobster
Flashlight Fish
Giant Pacu
Guineafowl Puffer
Harbour Seal
Leaf Scorpion Fish
Neon Tetra
Panther Grouper
Picasso Triggerfish
Polka Dot Stingray
Red Bellied Piranhas
Red Eared Terrapin
Red Footed Tortoise
Red Tailed Catfish
Regal Tang
Sexy Shrimp
Volitan Lionfish
Common Clown Fish